Sunday, February 26, 2012

Family Photo Session Contest!

Update: We have a winner: Miss Alyson and family won! Congrats!!

We are having our first Facebook photo contest going on right now until March 5, 2012. Here's the scoop:

This contest will be for a family photo session. The steps are easy peasy...

1. Email me a photo of your family (a non professional photo, of course...unless this photo was taken by River Lily Photography), also include your name in the email (only your first name is necessary). I will place this photo in an album on the River Lily Photography page.

2. Ask your friends and family to like my page and then to like your photo. Please remember to have them first click on the album, "Family Photo Contest" and then find your photo within that album...then they can click "like" for your photo.

The photo with the most likes by March 5th will win the free family session!

*Remember, for the "like" to count for your photo, the Facebook page (River Lily Photography) MUST be liked first. Easy enough, right?

Please email photos to

A family session normally costs $50 for a 1-2 hour session at the location of your choice (within the Chattanooga surrounding areas) and includes access to a private online gallery with edited photos for easy print ordering for you and your family.

AND as a bonus (for the person who wins this FIRST EVER contest we will include 5 images (of your choosing) to be put on a disk along with printing rights.

I am so excited to see how this first contest goes and who wins!

Get your photos emailed in soon
