Friday, April 15, 2011

sunshine smiles...

for those days when sunshine is lacking {not just caused by a literal cloudy day}...remember to smile anyway.

we ALL have reasons to smile. i call them blessings. some blessings may be great big giant blessings, while others may be teeny tiny ones, all are blessings, just the makers.

i often forget that a smile can be like sunshine, not only to the person smiling {aka happy endorphins released in the body} but also to those whom the smiler comes in contact with.

i wish everyone would smile more and help make the world a bit more sunshiny. ;-) how about you?

a smile is like sunshine...
{remember, i often forget this, this is reminder to myself, as well}

so, go light up some one's cloudy day with your smile..

you may just find that, by doing so, your day is a bit more sunshiny, too.

"It is the artist's business to create sunshine when the sun fails."
~Romain Rolland

God, the ultimate Artist, gives us countless sources of sunshine, as well as, countless ways to be sunshine for others.

have a lovely, blessed weekend!
<3, kelly

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