Rocky and I have some silly kids..they must get it from us. I enjoy looking at their unique personalities shining through each and every day. They are growing at incredibly fast rates of speed, and sometimes I secretly wish they came with a pause button.
But, alas...that would not be fair to them if I really could head over to an electronic store and purchase such an attachment. Seriously, watching them grow is amazing. But, kind of sad all at the same time. More happy than sad, of course. But, sad moments do creep in. I think that's normal for parents, right? To say that I will experience severe empty nest will be putting it mildly, I'm sure. ;-)
Anywho...on to some play time..first we start at our apartment. Gotta love the airplane. The kids sure do!
Mr. Firefly doing full airplane with daddy |
Miss Sunshine doing a mini airplane with Mama
Exploring a new-to-us park in Gulf Shores |
And of course...Gulf Shores and Orange Beach have some very nice playgrounds for the kids...This one in Gulf Shores even has a skate park..which has Rocky, Mr.Firefly, and Miss Sunshine pretty excited. Maybe I, too, should consider taking up skateboarding. ;-) Hey, why not??
Mr. Firefly LOVES tire swings.. |
Slides are fun! |
Rocky was happy to discover that there is a skate park here., too! Rocky can be really good at hiding his excitement. ;-) |
Just a random sign at the park.. |
Smiling is contagious! |
Playtime wouldn't be complete without a good bath/shower at the end of the day, right? I think this is especially true when the bath is finished up with a warm comfy robe. Am I wrong?
Miss Sunshine in mama's robe after bath time. ;-)
That's all for now...I will be posting soon what is going on in the world of homeschooling prep-work. Yep, Mr.Firefly will be "officially" starting school soon. Homeschooling is where it is at for this family. ;-)
Stay tuned for the homeschooling post.
Love, Kelly
Your kids are gorgeous! You have an awesome family, Kelly! -Noelle